This release item adds a batch program (WFLNCANB) to allow cancellation of loans in volume, with an option to create replacement awards. The program updates the Loan Application and Loan Disbursement records for specified loans, reducing the eligibility and disbursement amounts to zero, canceling the corresponding award, and writing detail reports on canceled loans and bypassed loans. If replacement awards are requested, the program creates a file of BI (Offer and Accept increase) transactions, if the loan has been fully accepted, or OI (offer increase) transactions, if the loan is not fully accepted.
You input the loans to be canceled, listed by student ID and loan ID, in Work file 1. A 1-byte Replace Awards flag at the end of the control parameter string indicates whether to create replacement awards. Values are Y (yes; create a file of award transactions for canceled loans) and blank (do not create replacements; the default). For example,