Release Notes: Item 1411-01

Identity Verification Results

This release item provides a flag to track the Identity Verification required for student who have been selected for the V4 or V5 federal verification group. The flag is added to the 2015 Verification screen for your institutional use. The updates for 2016 will be released with the Regulatory release.

The 2015 Verification map has been modified to position the new field to the right of the Verification Tracking flag as shown in the screen snap below.

If you wish to add the field manually, you will need to move the five fields to the left of the new flag 2 bytes to the left. For additional details in manually adding the flag, please contact us at

Implementation Notes

  1. This item is required at all client sites.
  2. Modify the PREDICT definition for the WF-VERIFY-1415 file/userview to add the new WF-IDENT-VERIF group and the new WF-VE-ID-VER-RSLTS flag:
             2 WF-VE-P-U-OTHER                  P        7.0            EH N
          GR 1 WF-VERIFY-PAR-AST                                        EI
             2 WF-VE-P-CASH                     P        7.0            EJ N
             2 WF-VE-P-INV                      P        7.0            EK N
             2 WF-VE-P-BUS-FRM                  P        7.0            EL N
    add-> GR 1 WF-IDENT-VERIF                                           ER
    add->    2 WF-VE-ID-VER-RSLTS               A        1.0            ES N
          SP 1 WF-VERIFY-KEY                    A       11.0        D   EM
  3. Regenerate the Adabas File for the WF-VERIFY-1415 file.
  4. Regenerate the DDM for the WF-VERIFY-1415 userview.
  5. Load the Dictionary Import file (dc141101.txt) from the zip file into the FINANCIER Dictionary using the Dictionary Import program (WCDICIMB) to load the dictionary definition and values for the new WF-VE-ID-VER-RSLTS flag.
  6. Load the updated modules from the SYSOBJH input file (sy141101.txt) in the attached zip file. Or, you may apply source changes manually for the updated modules. Click on the "mods" link next to the module name for the Differences Report, which shows the previous and current versions of the module side by side. For a further description of the Differences features, click the "Help" link at the top right when the report is displayed. Note: As adding a new field to the 2015 Verification map will change the number of parameters sent to the map, you will need to also re-stow the Verication screen driver program WFVRF15P.