Release Notes: Item 1601-01
2016-2017 Regulations Update
This release modifies ADD Import processing to reflect CPS changes to various fields on the ISIR pertaining to the source and destination of the ISIR. Per the 2016-2017 EDE Technical Reference manual, a 2016-17 ISIR directed to your institution will contain only your Federal School Code; all others of the ten Federal School Code and Housing Code positions will be blank. The Electronic Federal School Code Indicator and FAA Federal School Codes fields will always be blank, and the Electronic Transaction Indicator (ETI) Flag field will contain the value appropriate to the receiving school. Additionally, the Multi School Code flags have been eliminated.
Accordingly, with this release,
- 2016-17 FINANCIER does not use the Electronic Federal School indicator (WF17FEDL.WF-FE-C-ELEC-INST), which CPS will populate as blank. We have removed references to this field from ADD import processing in WFAFI17B, but are leaving the field definition in place for potential future use (CPS has retained it).
- The Multi institution indicator (WF17FEDL.WF-FE-C-MULT-INST) has been removed and converted to filler. All processing of the field is removed from WFAFI17B, which now uses only the ETI flag to determine the type of ISIR.
- While only one School Code, the receiving school's, will be sent, FINANCIER loops through all ten School Code occurrences, in case it isn't found in the first occurrence.
The release also includes several corrections:
- ISIR records for which there is no School Code match in the Institution Table were being correctly rejected, but were not being included in the program totals. As modified, WFAFI17B contains a counter for ISIRs with invalid college code and generates a corresponding entry on the WFADDIMB Processing Counts/Errors report (see example).
- Missing Federal Reject values 23 and 24 are added to WF17FEDD.WF-FE-C-REJ1 in the Dictionary. (And to WF16FEDD.WF-FE-C-REJ1 as well; these values have been in effect for several years.)
- Typographical error in the Heading for comment code 383 is fixed in the Dictionary - changed from "83" to "383."
Implementation Notes