Old Products and Services


FINANCIER™ is WolffPack’s richly featured financial aid system. Geared for user productivity, FINANCIER™ provides easy navigation, screens that mirror input and output documents, online printing, and extract functions to make use of popular word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software. Its superior functionality, combined with the efficiency and convenience of Web technology, allows FINANCIER™ to put control of Financial Aid data back in the Financial Aid Office. More

Regulation Services

WolffPack has a proven track record in providing annual financial aid regulation updates. Because we develop a customized regulation update in your test environment, working around your modifications, we can have you ready to process student applications in record time. More

Professional Services

WolffPack can also provide a variety of professional services for your current system, including system enhancements, and functional and technical consulting. WolffPack can design and implement enhancements to customize your current system, or develop new applications tailored to meet your institution’s needs. More